5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid During Bathtub Repair

bathtub repair kit restoring your bathtub

When it comes to bathtub repair, one wrong move can lead to a whole lot of expense and frustration. That's why it's important to know how to do it right the first time.

In this blog post, we'll reveal the 5 most costly mistakes people make when attempting to repair their bathtubs. We'll cover everything from selecting the right adhesive to cleaning up the mess afterward.

By following the experts’ tips and tricks, you'll be able to complete your bathtub repair project without making any costly mistakes. So, let's dive in and get started on making your bathtub look as good as new! 

Common Mistakes During Bathtub Repair

There are several mistakes that you should be aware of. You might think that DIY projects save the most money in the long run, but if you don’t know what you’re doing and make these common mistakes, the repair could cost more than buying a new bathtub.

Here are five mistakes that should be avoided during bathtub repair:

  1. Not Properly Preparing: Before you start any repairs, it's essential to prepare the surface of your tub correctly. Ensure that all dirt, soap scum, and debris are removed before applying any paint or sealant. Failing to do so could cost both time and money.
  2. Not Checking for Damage: If your bathtub is made of acrylic or fiberglass, it's essential to inspect it thoroughly for any cracks or damage before you start any work. If the damage is too extensive, a simple patch might not be sufficient, and it might be more cost-effective to replace the entire tub.
  3. Investing in Poor-Quality Materials: Your materials should be of high quality and match the material of your existing tub. Furthermore, they should be able to withstand exposure to water and other conditions within your bathroom.
  4. Ignoring Proper Ventilation: If you're working with paint, sealant, or any other chemical products, proper ventilation is critical. Without proper ventilation, you risk compromising the quality of the repair, as well as your overall health.
  5. Not Following Instructions: Although you might feel confident in your DIY skills, it's essential to follow instructions carefully. Improper application of sealant or paint, for example, could lead to costly mistakes and require you to redo the entire job. 

Tips for Avoiding Common Problems During a Bathtub Repair

Repairing a bathtub can be a tricky task, but with the right preparation and a bit of know-how, you can avoid some easily-made mistakes that could cost your wallet. Here are five essential tips to keep in mind while you work:

  • Take Measurements. Measure twice, cut once—or to be more precise, measure the size of your tub and access area before cutting away old parts or attempting to add new ones. Make sure you have a good understanding of the space and how what you need to patch fits into it: don’t guess or assume anything will work without first making sure it does.
  • Repair with High-Quality Materials. There's nothing worse than having to do a repair job twice because of low-quality materials that don't last—so make sure to opt for products that are tough and designed to last like the tub repair kit at Fortivo Shop.
  • Securely Position Existing Pieces. When you're adding something new, make sure any existing pieces (like tiles) are well secured before you begin working on them—you don't want them shifting or coming loose later. Secure these pieces with adhesive caulk or waterproofing material if necessary.
  • Remove Bubble Effects. If any bubbles form underneath the surface during tub and tile repair, they'll cause lasting damage by weakening the material and creating weak points where bacteria can collect. Always be sure to remove any bubbles that form as soon as possible using a damp cloth or squeegee.
  • Allow for Drying Time. Make sure that once everything is done, allow for adequate drying time before use so that everything is nice and secure.
bathtub repair

What You Need for a Successful Tub Repair

When it comes to repairing your bathtub, there are a few things you should have on hand to ensure a successful repair job. So don't make the mistake of thinking you can go in blind and still get great results.

Here's what you need:

  • The right tools: You cannot do a proper bathtub repair without having the right tools for the job. Make sure you have a screwdriver, adjustable wrench, masking tape, razor blades, caulking gun, pliers, and any other tools that might be necessary for the job.
  • Materials: Depending on what kind of repair needs to be done, you will probably need some basic items like screws, a putty knife, sandpaper, and sealant. Make sure you have all these items at hand before starting the repair process.
  • A plan: It's important to have an action plan before starting the repair process. You should have a general idea of how long it's going to take and what steps need to be taken for the repair to be successful. This will help prevent any costly mistakes or wasted time in the future.

By preparing properly with the right materials and tools and coming up with an action plan accordingly, you can avoid making any costly mistakes that could jeopardize your tub repair project—so don't forget these three key elements!

Where to Buy and How to Use a Fortivo Tub Repair Kit

When repair is needed, picking the right product is essential. Fortivo’s fiberglass tub repair kit is an ideal solution for minor damage to tubs. It has everything you need to make permanent repairs that won’t easily be noticed.

The benefits of a Fortivo fiberglass bathtub repair kit include:

  • Easy to use and apply
  • High-end materials that last over time
  • Perfectly matches the color and texture of your existing tub
  • Wide range of color options available to match your tub’s finish

You can buy it online! Follow the instructions closely and use the supplied gloves for extra protection. It's important to note that this type of repair only works for minor damage, so if you have a bigger issue, such as a cracked tub, you'll need to call in a professional. 

repairing a bathtub with tub repair kit

Proper Tools for Cleaning, Sanding, and Sealing After Bathtub Repair

If you've decided to repair your bathtub yourself, make sure you have the proper tools for the job. Cleaning, sanding, and sealing are all essential steps. Also, having the right tools can make all the difference.

Let's look at what tools you should get to clean, sand, and seal the surface after repairing your bathtub:

Cleaning Tools

For cleaning, you'll need a good-quality product such as an all-purpose cleaner or an alkaline cleaner. You'll also need a scrub brush or sponge for scrubbing off any dirt or grime on the surface.

Sanding Tools

Sanding is usually only necessary if any cracks in your bathtub need to be filled. You'll need sandpaper (either wet, dry, or just regular) for this step and some elbow grease!

Sealing Tools

Finally, to seal your repaired bathtub surface, you'll need a good sealant and a paintbrush or foam roller to apply it. Make sure to get a sealant that is specifically designed for use on bathtubs so that it will last longer and not crack over time.

By making sure that you have all of these essential tools at hand before starting your project, you can significantly reduce the chance of making costly mistakes during your tub repair.

FAQs on DIY Bathtub Repair

We get it—you want to repair your bathtub yourself. It's a DIY job, but before you jump in and make any mistakes, let's review some FAQs first.

Is DIY bathtub repair hard?

DIY bathtub repair is possible with the right tools and knowledge. It requires a bit of elbow grease, but it’s not so hard that you can’t do it yourself.

What tools will I need?

You will need a few different tools, like a hammer, drill/driver, screwdrivers, and a caulking gun. You might also need other equipment or materials, such as acrylic patch kits, tile adhesive sealer, or waterproofing membrane, depending on your repair needs.

What about safety?

Safety should always be at the forefront when performing any type of repair on your bathroom tub. Wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses to avoid potential accidents while using tools or handling chemicals.

How much time will it take?

Realistically speaking, expect to spend anywhere from one to three hours of your time completing the job, depending on how complicated the repair is and how familiar you are with the process of doing bathroom repairs.


No matter what type of bathtub repair you're embarking on, from granite to porcelain, it's important to be prepared, informed, and patient. You don't want to rush your repairs, as this can lead to costly mistakes.

Take your time when preparing the area, researching the right bathtub crack repair kit, and completing the repairs. The right preparation and repairs can help your tub look like new in no time. Make sure to follow any cleaning and maintenance instructions for your tub as well, so you can avoid more costly mistakes in the future.

With careful preparation, the right materials, and patience, your repairs can be completed quickly and effectively. That way, you won't have any more money than needed going out the window.